Hi !
I am Srikanth Ac

I build things for the web

Software Engineer, Tech and Space enthusiast 🚀




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💹 All about the Numbers!
Formula 1 Insights 🏎️

Formula1Insights is a web application that provides statistics about formula 1 Racing . You can find information about all drivers , the teams, the circuits and race results and much more.This app is built using the ergast developer api.

📓 Billing
Fresh Bills

Freshbills is an react js application mainly for creating bills and managing all your customers and products in one place.

ant designRedux
🛒 Modern E-commerce store
Crown Clothing

An Ecommerce App built using React.js



Working as a software engineer in Shenzyn, Bangalore.

Experienced in building Rich Javascript applications with React, Node.js and MongoDb.

Graduated in 2019 with a degree in telcommunications from Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering and previous work experience include working as a Developer in Mobiotics.

Apart from software, i like reading books about business and watch a lot of sports including Cricket, Football and Formula 1.

See My Resume

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Contact Me

Feel free to reach out to me at any time. I am always curious to learn new things and meet new people.